Hi Bill!

Don't apologize! You are doing a world of service for the community! I am 
running the latest and running the Maverick. One thing I found out - if I open 
Coot through CCP4, from Phenix or directly from an xwindow, the coot window 
appears but is white and if you read in anything, nothing shows up. If you then 
"drag" the window, it leaves behind "footprints". If, however, I leave this 
original Coot window open and start a second Coot session using any of the 
three methods, i.e. started from within ccp4i, started from within Phenix or 
started from an xwindow using /usr/local/bin/coot, this second session works 
fine - black background, can see maps and coordinates, ...

Does that help in diagnosing? It must be something I am doing on my MacBook Pro 
running 10.9.1 and XQuartz 2.7.5.

Joseph P. Noel, Ph.D.
Arthur and Julie Woodrow Chair
Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Professor, The Jack H. Skirball Center for Chemical Biology and Proteomics
The Salk Institute for Biological Studies
10010 North Torrey Pines Road
La Jolla, CA  92037 USA

Phone: (858) 453-4100 extension 1442
Cell: (858) 349-4700
Fax: (858) 597-0855
E-mail: n...@salk.edu

Publications & Citations: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xiL1lscAAAAJ

Homepage Salk: http://www.salk.edu/faculty/noel.html
Homepage HHMI: http://hhmi.org/research/investigators/noel.html

On Feb 13, 2014, at 7:10 AM, William G. Scott <wgsc...@ucsc.edu> wrote:

> On Feb 11, 2014, at 7:19 PM, Joseph Noel <n...@salk.edu> wrote:
>> I've started installing the latest nightly builds of Coot that Bill Scott 
>> maintains. They go into /usr/local/bin/coot. It will open but the screen is 
>> white, if you move the window around on the Mac it seems to duplicate and 
>> worse, if you load coordinates or a map, nothing appears. I must have missed 
>> something in setting it up but if anyone has a suggestion of something I am 
>> missing would be much appreciated.
> Sorry for the problems.
> Which version of OS X is it?  If it is compatible, it might be worth 
> downloading the latest version of X11.app:  
> https://xquartz.macosforge.org/landing/  (It says for 10.6 or later).  If I 
> built coot with a more recent version of X11 than you have, this might be the 
> problem.
> I just downloaded the latest coot nightly to check to make sure it worked (it 
> does on my 10.9.1 macbook air).
> — Bill

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