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This seems driver-dependent, maybe AIGLX?:

INFO:: 301 frames in  5.01 seconds = 60.07 frames/sec
INFO:: 301 frames in  5.01 seconds = 60.10 frames/sec
(0) " N  "/1/chainid="A"/4/MEF,  occ: 11 with B-factor: 3.19254 element:
" N" at (-0.198968,20.5045,1.5478) : 0.107129
INFO:: 203 frames in  6.18 seconds = 32.86 frames/sec
INFO:: 106 frames in  5.01 seconds = 21.17 frames/sec
INFO:: 301 frames in  5.01 seconds = 60.09 frames/sec

- - I do not see a difference with and without labels with an  NVIDIA
Corporation G96 [Quadro FX 580] with the nvidia-driver provided by
Debian stable.


On 03/12/2014 03:48 AM, Ethan Merritt wrote:
> On Tuesday, 11 March 2014 07:29:50 AM Paul Emsley wrote:
>> On 11/03/14 06:29, Ethan A Merritt wrote:
>>> On Sunday, 02 March, 2014 16:17:22 Ethan Merritt wrote:
>>>> I recently acquired a new machine and found that my previous
>>>> coot executables will not run on it, and neither will the
>>>> stable or "nightlies" built for Fedora/RHEL or Ubuntu.
>>>> No problem, I thought, I'll just rebuild it from current source.
>>>> That worked, but the graphics display speed of the resulting
>>>> executable is very slow.  I have not noticed rendering speed
>>>> issues with any other programs I am running.
>>>> The recent mention here of buggy Mesa versions makes me wonder
>>>> if that is what I'm suffering from.
>>>> I can't find any likely pointers on the web.
>>>> Does anyone have more detail?
>>>> Is there a work-around?
>>> Following up on my own problem report....
>>> I eventually poked something (don't ask me what!) in one of several
>>> graphics configuration tools that made a large difference.
>>> As best as I can tell by comparing the Xorg.0.log files before and
>>> after, the difference is this:
>>> Xorg.0.log:[1690259.966] (==) AIGLX enabled
>>> Xorg.0.log:[1690259.978] (II) AIGLX: enabled GLX_MESA_copy_sub_buffer
>>> Xorg.0.log:[1690259.978] (II) AIGLX: enabled GLX_INTEL_swap_event
>>> Xorg.0.log:[1690259.978] (II) AIGLX: enabled GLX_ARB_create_context
>>> Xorg.0.log:[1690259.978] (II) AIGLX: enabled GLX_ARB_create_context_profile
>>> Xorg.0.log:[1690259.978] (II) AIGLX: enabled 
>>> GLX_EXT_create_context_es2_profile
>>> Xorg.0.log:[1690259.978] (II) AIGLX: enabled GLX_SGI_swap_control and 
>>> GLX_MESA_swap_control
>>> Xorg.0.log:[1690259.978] (II) AIGLX: GLX_EXT_texture_from_pixmap backed by 
>>> buffer objects
>>> Xorg.0.log:[1690259.978] (II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized i965
>>> So enabling AIGLX makes a huge difference.
>>> Unfortunately I can't find any changes in xorg.conf or anywhere else that
>>> would explain why  it is now enabled whereas before it wasn't.
>>>   Anyhow I now get very fast rendering of lines, shaded objects 
>>> (ball-and-stick) etc.
>>> HOWEVER....As soon as even a single label (atom name or distance)
>>> appears on the screen it goes back to being slow.  Clearing the labels
>>> makes it fast; clicking an atom makes it slow; 100% reproducible.
>>> So it really doesn't like rendering characters.
>>> Any ideas on what else I might try?
>> The font rendering of Coot has been niggling me for a while. I have 
>> noticed a slowdown in the FPS when labels are added, but not perhaps as 
>> much as you suggest.
>> The standard coot spin test is to load the tutorial data and map, zoom 
>> in until the map touches the edge of the screen, turn on the 
>> Frames/Second counter and Draw -> Spin View and watch the status bar.
> Following that recipe:
> Tutorial map spin in square window with full screen height: 16.6 frames/sec
> Click on one atom to display label: 1.55 frames/sec
> So more than a factor of 10 speed difference with/without text.
>       Ethan 

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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