Thanks Bernhard, that’s very helpful.

Using that function, I wrote a little script that will delete a chain based on 
the currently selected residue:

def first_residue(mol_id,ch_id):
        return result
def last_residue(mol_id,ch_id):
        return result

I’d quite like to assign this to a button, but the user defined button 
interface in coot only seems to take one-line commands, not multi-line - I 
guess I can assign it to a key binding though. Or is there an easy way to add a 
user-defined menu item?

On Mar 12, 2014, at 3:08 AM, Bernhard Lohkamp <> wrote:

> Hi Oliver,
> You can use the scripting function delete_residue_range 
> (
> delete_residue_range(imol, chain_id, start_res, stop_res)
> Maybe not exactly what you want, but that works fine for this purpose (*). 
> You can give a residue range outside what you have, just to make sure 
> everything is deleted, i.e. delete_residue_range(0,"A", -100,100000).
> B
> (*) Incidentally it has been on my todo list for quite some time to make a 
> delete chain (etc) function...
> On 12/03/2014 00:51, Oliver Clarke wrote:
>> Another one to chalk on the list of things that would be nice to have but 
>> not really needed - I feel like having a delete chain option in the ‘Delete 
>> item’ dialog would be very handy…
>> I often find myself needing to delete a chain (from a complex or oligomer 
>> for example), and I always switch the color to Jone’s Rainbow and then hunt 
>> around for the N- and C- termini and use delete zone, which works but is a 
>> little cumbersome.
>> Being able to click on a single atom from the desired chain to delete it 
>> would speed things up tremendously, for example when editing the kind of 
>> spaghetti-model that sometimes comes out of buccaneer or Arp/warp at low 
>> resolution (where there a lot of peptide fragments that need cleaning up).
>> Best,
>> Oliver.
> -- 
> ***************************************************
> Dr. Bernhard Lohkamp
> Associate Professor/Docent
> Div. Molecular Structural Biology
> Dept. of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics (MBB)
> Karolinska Institutet
> S-17177 Stockholm
> Sweden
> phone: (+46) 08-52487651
> fax:   (+46) 08-327626
> email:

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