Hmm, that’s a good idea, I’ll try it… I don’t think symm shift reference chain 
takes an atom spec though does it? It doesn’t seem to take any arguments so I 
assume it just takes the current cursor position - I guess I could use go to 
atom and user-defined-click as a work around for that. Thanks!
On Mar 29, 2014, at 5:31 AM, Paul Emsley <> wrote:

> On 28/03/14 15:27, Oliver Clarke wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Is it possible to access from the scripting interface the symmetry info in 
>> the atom_info_text string displayed when a user clicks on an atom?
>> I would like to write a little function that creates a new copy of whatever 
>> symmetry molecule the user has clicked on. This would be useful for quickly 
>> generating a pdb to make packing figures, or picking a new asymmetric unit, 
>> etc (at the moment I do this using save symmetry coordinates, but this is a 
>> little slow when making a lattice of many molecules).
>> At the moment, active_residue() returns the nearest residue in the original 
>> molecule, which is probably as it should be, but the symm ops and shifts are 
>> displayed in the status bar, so coot clearly “knows about” the symmetry 
>> status of the centered atom… Would it be possible to make these callable 
>> from a script, e.g. by passing them via user_defined_click()?
> Hi Oliver,
> This is not available at the moment (I'd like to add it).
> I wonder if a combination of copying the model and "Symm  Shift Reference 
> Chain Here" would be a work-around.
> Paul.

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