Dear all,

given that nearly everything seems to be possible with Coot (apart
from making a good cup of coffee ... but who knows), maybe someone
could help me out here.

(1) When working with a hydrogenated molecule (not riding hydrogens!)
    in Coot it seems as if the real-space refinement takes those
    full-occupancy hydrogens into account during fitting as if they
    are normal atoms: I seem to have a hard time in dragging/pulling
    things around as efficiently as if I was working without those
    hydrogens. So is there a way of telling Coot to have those
    hydrogens as "riding hydrogens" during real-space refinement,
    i.e. ignore them for the actual refinement but move them along
    with the rest of the heavy atoms during fitting? I don't want to
    delete them first and then having to add them back on (which will
    be tricky for those parts of the structure where I modified the
    model). Also: "over-dragging" a heavy atom leaves those hydrogens
    back - which makes it feel much less effective e.g. for methyl
    groups and such. Or am I missing something?

(2) Another thing maybe for the script gurus: have you ever felt the
    need to a simplification of adding buffer molecules? I want to add
    e.g. DMS and then have the following steps done automatically for
    me at the same time: remove hydrogens, merge with current
    molecule, remove the initialy added molecule and set occ of the
    new residue to 0.99 (to have a marker for subsequent occupancy
    refinement). This must be a fairly common sequence of commands for
    a lot of people - so maybe someone has already put that
    functionality somewhere?

(3) I'm often caught out when trying to save a certain view (to later
    produce nicely aligned pictures e.g. of refinement progress) when
    using "File -> Save Stave"

    * why is it not automatically stay in the working directory in the
      same wy as "File -> Save Coordinates -> Select Filename" or
      "Draw -> Screenshot -> Simple"? I always have to go to the
      directory explicitly in my file browser ... odd.

    * after saving the state file I have to remember to save the state
      again into a differently named file before exiting: otherwise
      the default state file created (normally) by coot will overwrite
      the last explicitly saved state file ... losing what I was
      trying to achieve along the way.

      There are also some problems with --no-state-script and/or
      --no-guano (need to check again) that prevents me from saving a
      state explicitely in the first place.

(4) are there already existing key-bindings for adding, editing and
    deleting 3D annotations? And how do I automatically save/load
    those upong startup/exiting?

Sorry if these questions are already answered somewhere else ... any
pointer/hint would be very much apreciated!




* Clemens Vonrhein, Ph.D.     vonrhein AT GlobalPhasing DOT com
* Global Phasing Ltd., Sheraton House, Castle Park 
* Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK         


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