On 01/11/2020 01:49, A. H. Zadeh wrote:
Dear Coot Users,

I do have around 1000 difference electron density maps and need to display them in Coot and take screenshots to make a movie out of them at the end. But I do not intend to do this procedure, manually! So is there any script to automatically open DED maps in Coot and then draw simple screenshots from them and save as PNG files?

There wasn't one, but one could easily write one.

The view quaternion, zoom and rotation centre can be extracted from a saved state file.



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import coot

def index_to_mtz_file_name(idx):
    return "index_" + str(idx) + ".mtz"

def index_to_img_file_name(idx):
    return "index_" + str(idx) + ".png"

coot.set_rotation_centre(10, 20, 30)
coot.set_view_quaternion(0.7034, 0.0922, -0.0016, 0.7048)

for i in range(100):
    fn_mtz = index_to_mtz_file_name(i)
    fn_img = index_to_img_file_name(i)
    imol_map = coot.make_and_draw_map(fn_mtz, "FWT", "PHWT", "", 0, 0)

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