Hi Tomasz

It looks like you're doing some other interesting things.  But there might
be confusion in the maemo community from using "Cordia" for projects that
don't involve Hildon at all.  Could you possibly choose another name for
those other projects?


On Sun, Jan 29, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Tomasz Sterna <to...@xiaoka.com> wrote:

> Thanks to COBS admin phaeron we have a top-level project for Cordia in
> the Community OBS.
> You may track the progress and play with stuff at
> https://build.pub.meego.com/project/subprojects?project=Project%3ACordia
> As you can see we are working both on Dawati and Hildon.
> Dawati porting and packaging is phaeron great work, based of effort of
> Dawati folks.
> So, we will have Netbook oriented releases of Cordia based on the
> Moblin/MeeGo Netbook UX, and MID oriented releases based on Hildon.
> --
> Tomasz Sterna
> Instant Messaging Consultant : Open Source Developer
> http://tomasz.sterna.tv/  http://www.xiaoka.com/portfolio

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