On 01/11/2011 09:47, Seán Coffey wrote:

Are you referring to the parent.close() call ? If otherParents is null, then we only have one reference to this FileDesriptor - i.e the Stream that has called close().
It's parent.close() that I'm wondering about. Suppose p1 is the parent, p2 is in otherParents. If p2.close is invoked then it looks like p1's close method will not be invoked, leaving p1 open and the underlying file descriptor closed.

Any exception from releaser.close() becomes the main exception if one is seen there. Any exceptions from the earlier closes are then added as suppressed. I've run some tests on this and it looked to work as expected. (stack trace below)
In this example then the IOException appears to be thrown suppressing one exception. That suppression exception in turn suppresses two others. I had expected that the primary IOException would have suppressed three exceptions. As I said, in practical terms this is much of a concern, just pointing out that it's not exactly as expected.

I used hg rm/add. I guess hg mv would have worked too.
You need to use hg mv so that the history can be followed. Also webrev handles it, at least before you create the changeset, so that you can easily see the changes.


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