On 7/13/12 1:59 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 13/07/2012 01:13, Stuart Marks wrote:
But for creating a registry, createRegistry(0) will usually work the first
time. If it throws ExportException, it does so for a specific reason, so we
should retry once on an unused random port. But if this still fails, don't
think retrying repeatedly makes sense.
Do we know what it fails? I would think that createRegistry(0) should only fail
if there aren't any free port available or there is some resource issue.

There is at least one test case that wants to create two registries within the same JVM. The first call to createRegistry(0) will usually succeed. The second call from the same JVM will throw an ExportException. So, we catch this and retry using a random port instead to create the second registry. If *that* fails we give up at that point instead of retrying repeatedly.


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