On 08/08/2012 17:10, Neil Richards wrote:
Hi Alan,
Apologies, I confused myself about the Hotspot behaviour.
(I was testing with 'nohup', but not checking the contents of
'nohup.out' for the output from my registered shutdown hook - doh!).

You're correct, when running with Hotspot with 'nohup', no exception is
thrown when trying to register a handler for SIGHUP.

When running with J9 with 'nohup', the VM notices that a handler
registered for SIGHUP is never going to get triggered, so throws the
exception to notify the caller (of Signal.handle( )) about this.

This probably comes back to documenting the interface between the VM and the libraries that you and Steve are working on. In this case, JVM_RegisterSignal is expected to return 1 when the action is SIG_IGN where it sounds like J9 is returning -1.


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