On 10/01/2013 20:36, Chris Hegarty wrote:
Skimming over this it looks fine to me.

You could add TESTTOOLVMOPTS while there ;-)

We probably should have added ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} as part of Mark Sheppard's work in 8003890.

Anyway as I'm adding ${TESTJAVACOPTS} to the javac usages then it's easy to add ${TESTTOOLVMOPTS} too, I've also added to the other "tools" used by the tests that I'm changing. There are a couple of cases where it's not possible to do this, for example there are number of older security tests that compile with -source and -target 1.4 and these will conflict if I run jtreg with something like -javacoptions:"-profile compac1". I've created a bug for this as it's not clear why these tests want to target 1.4. Another one is the security tests that use NSS where VM options such as -d64 will not work because the tests are choosing the architecture of the shared library to use.

I've also added a few ${TESTVMOPTS} to tests that were skipped by 8003890. Interestingly, adding this to the Formater/Basic.sh test exposes a bug in Formatter when running the tests with -esa. Previously the VM options were being dropped on the floor so this was not noticed. I've created a bug for this too and added the test to the ProblemList.txt until this gets fixed.

The webrev is updated:


I'd like to this out of the way, and I will of course run the tests on all platforms before pushing it.


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