On 01/28/2013 01:22 PM, Doug Lea wrote:
On 01/28/13 07:16, Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
On 01/28/2013 03:32 PM, Chris Hegarty wrote:

The only nit I find unlucky is that we need to duplicate the TLR code in
LockSupport. It looks like we would be better off with the helper class
sharing this functionality. I would speculate Doug will contaminate more
classes in j.u.c.* with these TLR copy-paste patches, and so we can
figure this out once and for all when the dust settles.

Yes, exactly so. Maybe someday with module support there will
be a nicer way of coping with package-protection problems accessing
Thread fields. Until then, because j.u.c has two subpackages
(atomic, locks), there's no nice workaround that I know of.

What about copying the Unsafe? A singleton instance that does access checks in the public factory method with usages that cache this instance privately in static fields...

Regards, Peter

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