On 28/02/2013 19:31, mark.reinh...@oracle.com wrote:

If we're going to define a new annotation with this much visibility then
we should at least take the time to inventory the JDK-specific APIs that
we have, and those we reasonably expect to have in the near future, to
understand how many distinct levels are useful.
I didn't see any replies to this but I'm willing to do an inventory. We need this for our modularity work anyway and I think we already have a good handle on most of what is in the com.sun hierarchy. There are also a few APIs, com.apple for example, where I'm actually interesting in establishing their status as they came in without too much discussion.

I did just notice that the annotation's source file is in the langtools
repo rather than the jdk repo.  What's the rationale for that?  I think
most JDK developers would expect to find it in the jdk repo.

This is just build related as there are "supported" APIs in the langtools repository. I see Joe has added the already added the proposed annotation to com.sun.source.


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