Dmitry Samersoff skrev 25/3/13 6:11 PM:

Tryed to apply your patch as I'm quite inetresting to have really
working NB project for jdk and hotspot.

1. Directory structure looks strange (see screenshot1)

The structure in the Projects tab shows the NetBeans project hierarchy. It's not related to the OpenJDK project hierarchy. The "Files" tab (to the right of the project tab) will show you the directory structure as it looks on disk. I think this is the tab you want to use for browsing the directories.

2. netbeans doesn't work for JDK tests (see screenshot2) -

    netbeans doesn't pick files
    from test directory (JDK-only project have the same issue)

    netbeans doesn't pick changes from files in JDK tree - i.e
    if I add/change class name in JDK tree, netbeans still treated it
    as unresolved within test (JDK-only project have the same issue)

I have mainly looked at the hotspot code when creating the project so I'm not surprised to see that there are things that don't work in for instance the jdk. I'll look at this tomorrow.

Thank you for your comments,


On 2013-03-25 20:29, Jesper Wilhelmsson wrote:

Sorry for cross posting, but I think this could be useful for several

I would like to add Solaris Studio / NetBeans project files for the
entire OpenJDK project. To clarify: One project that contains the entire

With the new build infrastructure in JDK 8 building the entire OpenJDK
is fairly fast and even though I personally mostly work in the HotSpot
tree, I tend to always clone and build the entire JDK forest. I find
this to have several benefits.


The configuration in this project is currently Mac only. Linux and
Solaris configurations are also planned.

The webrev is made from the jdk8/build repository which is where I think
a change like this should go in. Let me know if you think something else.

To use this project (once pushed):

1. Clone your favorite repository
    hg clone

2. Get the whole forest
    cd hotspot-gc

3. Configure
    sh configure

4. Open Solaris studio / NetBeans and load the project.
    The project in located in the common directory.


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