This is the JDK change for JEP 176: JEP 176: Mechanical Checking of Caller-Sensitive Methods [1]. Christian has posted the webrev for the hotspot VM change a couple weeks ago [2].

Webrev at:

While it touches many files, the fix is simple and straight-forward for review.

This fix annotates all methods that call Reflection.getCallerClass() method with @sun.reflect.CallerSensitive annotation so that it enables the VM to reliably enforce that methods looking up its immediate caller class are marked as caller-sensitive. The JVM will set a new caller-sensitive bit when resolving a MemberName and java.lang.invoke.MethodHandleNatives.isCallerSensitive is upgraded to query it directly.
The hand-maintained method list in MethodHandleNatives is removed.

A couple things to mention:
1. I am working on a fix for 8007035 that proposes to deprecate SecurityManager.checkMemberAccess method as it requires the caller’s frame to be at a stack depth of four, which is fragile and difficult to enforce.

2. NashornScriptEngineFactory.getAppClassLoader()

The change is to workaround the issue until 8009783 is resolved.

The current implementation walks the stack to find the classloader of the user context that NashornScriptEngine is running on which is fragile. Also other script engine implementations may require similiar capability. 8009783 has been filed to revisit the scripting API to pass the user "context" to the script engine rather than relying the implementation to find it magically.



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