My apologies if this is not the right place to address this. If so, please 
forgive and direct me to the correct list.

There are a lot of people/projects complaining about Java 8's new "self-closing 
element not allowed" error when compiling JavaDoc that has legal <br /> tags in 
it (just google "self-closing element not allowed" in quotes). Some (including 
myself) are asking, "Why should we fix this? The problem is not in the JavaDoc, 
it's in the JavDoc compiler." However, I haven't been able to find anyone who 
has actually broached the subject on any mailing lists.

<br /> is completely legal. While it is not strictly required by the HTML 
standard (unless you're using XHTML), using self-closing tags is /preferred/ 
because it's more obvious what the intention is. Perhaps most importantly, <br 
/> is supported on 100% of browsers and is used throughout JavaDoc all over the 
place. I have a feeling that once more projects start compiling on a released 
Java 8, this is going to make a fair number of people angry that hey have to 
"fix" (read: needlessly change) potentially thousands of classes' worth of 

What was the motivation behind the new "self-closing element not allowed" check 
and how can we make it go away?



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