On 8/28/2013 6:39 AM, Joel Borggrén-Franck wrote:
Hi Mandy,

Thanks for your comments,

On 2013-08-26, Mandy Chung wrote:

The spec of the getFields and getDeclaredFields() methods both states this:

   This method returns an array of length 0 if the class
   or interface declares no fields, or if this|Class|  object
   represents a primitive type, an array class, or void.

The spec of the getDeclaredField() method has this sentence:

   Note that this method will not reflect the {@code length}
   field of an array class.

Your change is okay and it would be good to keep the getField(s)
and getDeclaredField(s) methods be consistent and states its
return value "if this|Class|  object represents a primitive type,
an array class, or void"
I agree the javadoc for the 4 methods should be more uniform. The note
in getDeclaredFields() isn't that good IMHO as for example the term
'array class' in not used in JLS.

I'll be back shortly with an updated webrev.

You may also want to check out getConstructor(s) and getDeclaredConstructor(s) that seem to have similar inconsistency issue.


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