The non-MacOS parts look fine to me. I can't comment on the Objective C or 
MacOS code but the test you describe seems sufficient to confirm it is correct.

I am surprised that strdup isn't needed for the constant "?" string but 
java_props_md.c seems to include other constant strings in sprops so I will 
assume it is just never deallocated in the lifetime of the JVM.


On Sep 5 2013, at 14:30 , Brent Christian wrote:

> Please review my changes for 7199674
> (
> This improves how Java .app bundles work when they've been signed for the Mac 
> App Sandbox.  Specifically, it changes how the user.home system property is 
> set.
> For apps signed for the App Sandbox, user.home will point to an accessible 
> location within the App's sandbox container.  (If not signed for the App 
> Sandbox, user.home still points to the user's home directory).
> This is in line with how Mac sandbox-ed apps are expected to work (they are 
> not permitted access to a user's "real" home directory).  For reference, an 
> overview of the Mac App Sandbox is at [1], and this specific point comes from 
> [2]:
> "If you are using a POSIX function such as getpwuid to obtain the path to the 
> user’s actual home directory from directory services (rather than by using 
> the HOME environment variable), consider instead using a Cocoa or Core 
> Foundation symbol such as the NSHomeDirectory function. By using Cocoa or 
> Core Foundation, you support the App Sandbox restriction against directly 
> accessing the user’s home directory."
> I have confirmed that my change works as expected under the Mac App Sandbox. 
> I bundled my test case a Mac .app, and signed it with the 
> "" entitlement.  When the signed app is run, my 
> usual home directory is reported as !File.canRead(), and the user.home 
> property returns a path under ~/Library/Containers/, which is readable.
> I plan to label this as "noreg-hard" - signing an .app bundle requires 
> Keychain setup for any machine running the test.
> Webrev is here:
> (One note - the change to
>  make/common/Defs-macosx.gmk
> is not, strictly speaking, part of this fix, but was necessary for the "old 
> build" to finish on my OS X 10.8.4 system.  I've left it in.)
> An automated build+test run shows no (new) problems.
> Thanks,
> -Brent
> [1] 
> [2] 

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