
I skimmed the patch and it looked fine.

More generally, we want every package and top-level class in the com.sun.* namespace to be either explicitly exported or not.



On 10/6/2013 1:03 PM, Alan Bateman wrote:

As a follow-up to Joe Darcy's rename of jdk.Supported to jdk.Exported, I'd like to have another attempt at adding the annotation to a number of JDK specific APIs that are long standing exported, documented and supported APIs. Specifically, the following APIs:

- Java Debug Interface (com.sun.jdi)
- Attach API (com.sun.tools.attach)
- SCTP API (com.sun.nio.sctp)
- HTTP server API (com.sun.net.httpserver)
- Management extensions (com.sun.management)
- JConsole Plugin API (com.sun.tools.jconsole)
- JDK-specific API to JAAS (com.sun.security.auth)
- JDK-specific JGSS API (com.sun.security.jgss)

(The javadoc for each of these APIs is currently generated in the build)

The webrev with the proposed update is here:

As per the original webrev, I've added package-info.java to a number of packages that didn't have any description. In a few cases, I've had to rename the legacy package.html to package-info.java.

For the review then the intention is that @jdk.Exported be added to the package-info and all public/protected types in these APIs. The only exceptions are two cases where I've added @jdk.Exported(false), specifically:

- com.sun.management.OSMBeanFactory as it clearly documents to stay away
- com.sun.security.auth.callback.DialogCallbackHandler as it for the chop (see JEP 162)



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