On 10/08/2013 06:04 AM, Mandy Chung wrote:
On 10/7/2013 9:45 PM, David Holmes wrote:
Hi Mandy,

Note that unless you push both hotspot and jdk changes through the
same forest you will need separate bugs for each part. You will also
need a HSX committer to do the hotspot push.

I do plan to push them separately meaning that the jdk change will wait
until the hotspot change is integrated.  I think the hotspot integration
is weekly.

I am not a HSX committer :(  Since I have your attention, can you
sponsor my hotspot change?

For such small hotspot changes it seems overly restrictive to have to push then through a hotspot integration forest. We have a perfectly good hotspot repo in tl, why not use it?




On 7/10/2013 6:24 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:
JDK 8 was feature complete in June and there just isn't sufficient time
remaining to get agreement and feedback on an API to examine the caller
frames. To that end, I propose to restore the old unsupported
Reflection.getCallerClass(int) and that we will look to define a
standard API for JDK 9.

Webrev at:

It remains to be an unsupported API and JDK should not use this method
and it's not annotated with @CallerSensitive.  I considered detecting if
this method is called by a system class (loaded by null loader) and
throw an error.  I decided to minimize the compatibility risk in case if
there is any existing code added to the bootclasspath depending on this
private API.


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