Alex clarified the difference between FULL_DEBUG_SYMBOLS and DEBUG_CLASSFILES below (thank you!)

Based upon this, I am asking Oracle to ship DEBUG_CLASSFILES=true as part of the public JDK. Can someone from Oracle please comment on this?


-------- Original Message --------
Subject:        Re: Debug builds
Date:   Tue, 08 Oct 2013 21:09:11 +0400
From:   Alex Kasko <>
To:     cowwoc <>


I wrote email to the list but decided to send it to you offlist instead
(because it's your thread about debug).Feel free to forward it (or its
parts) to the list if you want.

On 10/08/2013 06:52 PM, cowwoc wrote:
Hi Volker,

     Thanks for the clarification. I have been able to ascertain that
adding full debug symbols to rt.jar would grow the file by 12MB
(uncompressed, probably much smaller after you run PACK200).

I'll try to clarify the question concerning debugging terminology.
Please correct me if I am wrong. This is all about jdk7.

"Full debug symbols" build switch:


It adds '.diz' files with zipped debug symbols for all native binaries.

"Classfiles' debug symbols" build switch:


It adds debug symbols to compiled java classes in rt.jar and others.

"Full debug symbols" and "classfiles' debug symbols" are completely
independent of each other.

Information about full debug symbols in Oracle builds is not clear
because of this email -
According to it "promoted" builds must have FDS. At the same time
openjdk7 build that was released on on the "promoted" url - does not
have FDS.
Builds on do not have FDS too but they are not the part of
OpenJDK so maybe it's incorrect to ask about them here.

I think initial question was about "classfiles' debug symbols".

debugging symbols for native code probably cost a lot more than that.

     Any idea on why rt.jar does not contain full debug symbols in the
JDK? If I open a bug report for this, is anyone willing to push this
through the system?


On 08/10/2013 6:03 AM, Volker Simonis wrote:
Hi Gili,

the mail threads you mention in your mail refer to debugging symbols
in the native VM implementation (i.e. and not to debug
symbols in the java classes in rt.jar.


On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 7:45 PM, cowwoc <
<>> wrote:

    On 07/10/2013 1:35 PM, Steven Schlansker wrote:

        On Oct 7, 2013, at 8:30 AM, cowwoc <
        <>> wrote:


                Where did the old debug builds of rt.jar go (meaning,
            rt.jar with full debug symbols, even for local variables)?
            I scanned the mailing list for a related discussion but
            couldn't find anything. It looks like somewhere down the
            line a decision was made to remove these builds, but it's
            not clear why that was. Also, out of curiosity, what is
            the overhead of the full debug symbols (versus what we
            ship now)? Couldn't we ship a full-debug rt.jar with the
            JDK and ship the smaller rt.jar with the JRE?

        +1 on shipping debug builds with the JDK, that would be very
        helpful for those of us who are stupid^Wcurious enough to
        step-debug into JDK classes.

        I have personally wasted countless days/weeks/months debugging
    problems that would have been solved much quicker by having full
    debug symbols. Furthermore, as you can see at
    the GNU/Linux world also ships with full debug symbols by default.

        I'd like to take this opportunity to follow-up on

    I am confused because this post seems to be saying that Oracle JDK
    7 ships full debug symbols, but in my experience this is not the
    case. It would be good to get some answers from someone in the know.


Alex Kasko

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