Thanks Daniel.

I updated the test to call class.getResourceAsStream (see fromFile method) instead at the runtime. The filePath now is only used for the helper method to generate test file. Also added readObject() to XMLGregorianCalendarImpl (at the bottom). The method calls the save() method to initialize the orig_* fields as done in the constructors.


On 2/17/2014 8:23 AM, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
Hi Joe,

Sorry for the late reply...

On 2/14/14 6:35 PM, huizhe wang wrote:
Hi All,

I added a SerializationTest. The test contains a helper that can
generate serialization files for XMLGregorianCalendar and Duration. I've
created such files for jdk6,7,8 and 9, and manually run the test, that
is, read them back with JDK6, 7, 8 and 9. The test worked fine. In the
JDK9(or 10 in the future) repo and for an auto-run, it would use the
current JDK9/10 build and test against JDK6, 7, 8 and 9. Past JDK10, we
could consider add serialization files for JDK10.

The new fields did not affect serialization compatibility. The above
tests passed with/without the new fields being transient. But I added
transient since it's the right thing to do.

Adding fields is a compatible change in accordance with Java Object
Serialization Spec

Concerning the new test I think it would be much more
reliable to open the .ser files as a resource, using
something like:

   InputStream streamIn = SerializationTest.class.getResourceAsStream(
           javaVersion + FILENAME_CAL);
   ObjectInputStream objectinputstream = new ObjectInputStream(streamIn);

The reason is that URL.getPath() is an URL path - not a file path, so it
can contain encoded characters (such as %20) that FileInputStream will
not understand. I suspect that if there's a white space or some other
special character in the path somewhere your current mechanism
will not work.

Also it would be good to verify what is the value of the transient
fields after deserialization: I see that XMLGregorianCalendarImpl
initializes them with non-default values - and you may need to
write a readObject() to reinitialize those fields to these non
default values: the deserialization framework may simply leave
them with the global default for fields of that type (null
for objects, 0 for numerical values,  false for boolean etc...)
[I am not 100% sure but it will not hurt to check]

best regards,

-- daniel


On 2/13/2014 6:23 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 13/02/2014 08:18, huizhe wang wrote:
Hi Alan, Lance, and Daniel,

The Xerces serialization revision meant to create a serialization
form that would help maintain future serialization compatibility. But
in reality it itself is causing significant incompatibility as Alan
pointed out below and we discussed previously. I've removed the
revision from the patch as a result.

Please see the new webrev here:
Thanks for dropping the serialization change as it was just not going
to work the way you had intended.

I agree with Daniel's comment about all the new fields added to
XMLGregorianCalendarImpl as it's not clear why they aren't transient.

I have not studied the rest of the changes but I think Daniel and
Lance are.


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