On 3/03/2014 10:56 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
Yes, that would necessarily be the contract of a Monitors class, just as
it is part of the contract of Lock today.  If your argument is that it
shouldn't be allowed because it might be used wrong, we might as well
just delete most of the JDK, ReentrantLock included, since it suffers
from the exact same potential problem.  The difference is that monitors
have a simple API in the form of synchronized that people were in the
past and would continue to be free (and recommended) to use.

We should not introduce anything that allows something that was guaranteed to be safe by the language, to become unsafe. So I can support a call for tryMonitorEnter, but not for explicit enter/exit actions.


I would not call recommending monitors to be a "premature optimization".
  The memory overhead of ReentrantLock is far too large for many use
cases, especially when it comes to fine-grained locking of large data
sets.  In fact I would *only* recommend Lock if your need for the extra
behavior it provides (i.e., multiple conditions, tryLock, timed tryLock,
and/or interruptible locking) or for the extra behavior provided by
ReentrantLock itself (i.e., lock status introspection) outweighs the
cost of its memory consumption, which so far has happened zero times in
any of the many frameworks I maintain.

On the other hand, adding some of the missing functionality to a
Monitors class would be pretty handy, especially if doing so doesn't
create a large divergence from the existing implementation.  Given that
tryMonitorEnter already exists, implementing that method on a Monitors
class seems fairly trivial, which already takes care of one out of the
four special use cases for Locks.  Interruptible locking would be my
first choice for a number two, if this idea were actually officially on
the table.  Finally, an isMonitorHeld() method would tie in another
branch of the discussion nicely and seems trivially possible as well.
Any other information would be a purely

It's worth noting that it's already possible for user code to implement
the basic functionality using JNI methods, though in the interest of
full disclosure it's worth noting that the enter/exit monitor JNI
functions are forbidden by spec to interoperate with the corresponding

FWIW using the word "monitor" instead of "lock" may help avoid confusion
and "scare off" those pesky undergrads.

On 03/02/2014 12:48 PM, Dr Heinz M. Kabutz wrote:
Hi Dave,

"lighter" is subject to the HotSpot Profiler doing the optimizations
that you expect.  Problem is, once you begin manually locking /
unlocking monitors, the byte codes are not recognizable as standard
synchronized(monitor) {} code, thus the optimizations will also not be
as good (or completely absent).  At least that has been my experience
when I tried it out a few years ago.  So the argument that synchronized
is faster than ReentrantLock, besides this being IMHO a premature
optimization, cannot be directly applied to when we manually do use the
monitorEnter/monitorExit methods.

The reason why I personally think they are more dangerous than
ReentrantLock is that we are used to synchronized() {} taking care of
the unlocking for us.  If we see a thread that is in the BLOCKED state
(which only happens with synchronized) then we would typically assume
that another thread is /currently /holding the monitor.

Take the following example code:

import sun.misc.*;

import java.lang.reflect.*;

public class MonitorMystery {
   public static Unsafe getUnsafe() {
     try {
       for (Field field : Unsafe.class.getDeclaredFields()) {
         if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) {
           if (field.getType() == Unsafe.class) {
             return (Unsafe) field.get(null);
       throw new IllegalStateException("Unsafe field not found");
     } catch (Exception e) {
       throw new IllegalStateException(
           "Could not initialize unsafe", e);

   public static void main(String... args) throws InterruptedException {
     Thread t = new Thread() {
       public void run() {
     System.out.println("Trying to synchronize");
     synchronized (MonitorMystery.class) {
       System.out.println("Managed to synchronized");

We now see that we never manage to synchronize in the main thread and in
fact if you do a thread dump you will see a deadlock involving only a
single thread :-)

This is why it is so important to use the correct idioms.  In my
experience, there are very few Java programmers who get this right.
Brian Goetz's book is correct, but there are other books out there that
do a shocking job of mangling the idiom.

Whenever possible, use synchronized() { }.  If not, IMHO it would be
preferable to switch to ReentrantLock.


Dr Heinz M. Kabutz (PhD CompSci)
Author of "The Java(tm) Specialists' Newsletter"
Oracle Java Champion 2005-2013
JavaOne Rock Star Speaker 2012
Tel: +30 69 75 595 262
Skype: kabutz

David M. Lloyd wrote:
Making the language Kindergarten-friendly at the cost of general
usefulness is a mistake, IMO.  And anyway there's nothing that is less
safe about a Monitors class than ReentrantLock; on the other hand,
monitors continue to be considerably lighter (size and (for most of
the history of JUC) speed) by every measurement I've ever made.  I
would advise monitors over ReentrantLock 9 times out of 10 in any of
our code.

I just don't think your metaphors - neither of monitor methods being
dangerous, nor of Java developers being infants - are really apt.

On 03/02/2014 02:51 AM, Dr Heinz M. Kabutz wrote:
With a curious 9 months old crawling around the house, I've just moved
the sharp knives to the top draw in the kitchen - out of reach.  I
think we should be encouraging people to use monitor.tryLock() for
various reasons:

1. We have a richer interface with Lock/ReentrantLock, including better
Condition that allow easier timed wait idioms.

2. It is just too easy to get the idioms wrong for Lock.lock() and
Lock.unlock().  Every time I show this idiom some people in the
start arguing with me:

try {
  // do something
} finally {

IMHO, this is really an edge case that might be useful to have
semi-accessible at some point, but not something that should generally
be done.  It belongs in the same draw as the sharp knives and the
ability to cause arbitrary asynchronous exceptions (which has been made
more difficult to do in Java 8).

Brian Goetz wrote:
Except that Lock has features that are not supported by intrinsic
locks (timed wait, interruptible wait.)  So the Lock returned would
not conform to Lock's contract, and attempting to call these methods
would probably throw UOE.

On 2/27/2014 6:12 AM, Stephen Colebourne wrote:
On 26 February 2014 20:54, Martin Buchholz <marti...@google.com>
It does seem that being able to tell whether a java object
monitor is
currently locked is useful for debugging and monitoring - there
should be a
way to do that.

Perhaps it would be useful to be able to expose a java object monitor
as an instance of Lock?

Lock lk = Lock.ofMonitor(object)
if (lk.tryLock()) {

Such a method feels like it would be a useful missing link between
synchronized and locks.


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