It won't be symmetrical unless the default charset is ISO8859-1.

We can't change sun.misc.CharacterEncoder(byte) to use the default charset 
because it has the longstanding behaviour of encoding to ISO8859-1 and I would 
argue we can't change sun.misc.CharacterDecoder(String) from using the default 
charset because that behaviour is also longstanding. Strange, wrongheaded and 
nonsensical behaviour, but longstanding.

"Isn't all this sun.misc stuff going go away soon anyway?" <-- wishful thinking


On Apr 10 2014, at 10:59 , Brian Burkhalter <> wrote:

> How can one keep it symmetrical without forcing a particular encoding?
> Brian
> On Apr 10, 2014, at 10:54 AM, Mike Duigou <> wrote:
>> Shouldn't we be using the platform default character set rather than 
>> iso8859-1?
>> This change will change the charset used for all platforms not using 
>> iso885901 as their default.
>> It is certainly odd that sun.misc.CharacterEncoder(byte) and 
>> sun.misc.CharacterDecoder(String) are not symmetrical but this seems like a 
>> serious historical wart we might need to preserve.

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