Hi Fabian;

This has been an excellent discussion and thank you for starting it! Even if 
there is disagreement on various aspects I don't believe that anyone is upset 
or angry.


On Aug 30 2014, at 10:04 , Fabian Lange <lange.fab...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello dear list,
> it was not my intention to steal precious developer time by annoying
> you guys with my finding.
> I really wanted to understand why there is a source difference. So I
> went ahead and looked at it from the only aspect I could estimate
> contributing to it.
> I am well aware of the fact that JIT does an amazing job optimizing
> code, so it surprises me how in some replies there is an negative
> undertone and randomness attributed to JIT.
> Right now I assume that my question upset some people, because it is
> of course not nice that people question code which was written over a
> decade ago.
> If not discussing the question on a technical level, I do not know why
> the argument of time wasting on micro level is made in multiple page
> long e-mails, which for sure also took precious time to write.

Having the right perspective is important to know how to handle specific 
situations. I believe the longer emails are mostly discussion of the general 
case and considerations involved in deciding what to do in a situation such as 
this. If they provide future guidance then they have done their job.

> So thanks to everybody who taught me a bit about inner workings of JIT,
> and special thanks to Martin who did have the courage to submit a bug
> and webrev!

Indeed! He even found a few more cases to adjust.


> Fabian:
> PS: Out of curiosity I looked at the contains implementation here:
> https://android.googlesource.com/platform/libcore/+/master/luni/src/main/java/java/util/LinkedList.java
> it is manually inlined to avoid counting the position at all.
> I wonder if JIT would do that at any point as well.
> On Wed, Aug 27, 2014 at 4:02 PM, Fabian Lange <lange.fab...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have been involved recently in some theoretical or nonsensical
>> discussions about microbenchmarking, jit compiling assemblies and so
>> fort.
>> One example was LinkedList vs ArrayList.
>> What I noticed is that those two have a different implementation for 
>> contains():
>> ArrayList:
>>    public boolean contains(Object o) {
>>        return indexOf(o) >= 0;
>>    }
>> LinkedList:
>>    public boolean contains(Object o) {
>>        return indexOf(o) != -1;
>>    }
>> Logically this is of course identical due to the contract of contains
>> which returns either -1 or the >=0 index of the element.
>> This code has been like this almost forever, and I was wondering if
>> this actually makes a difference in CPU cycles.
>> And in fact this code compiles into different assembler instructions.
>> The array list does a test against 0 and conditional move, while the
>> linked list does a jump equals on -1.
>> Again that is not surprising, because the actual java source is
>> different. But I wonder if both options are equally good in cold
>> performance and when jitted based on parameter values.
>> Wouldn't one implementation be better than the other? And why is not
>> the "better" implementation taken in both classes (and maybe other
>> Collections which use indexOf) ?
>> Is the answer that this has always been like this and the benefit is
>> not worth the risk of touching ancient code?
>> And if not for performance, would code clarify and similarity be an argument?
>> (this message was posted to jdk8-dev initially, thanks to Dalibor
>> Topic for the pointer to this list)
>> Fabian

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