On 1.12.2014 14:20, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 01/12/2014 12:10, Jan Lahoda wrote:

In a preparation for JDK-8061549, I'd like to rename all uses of '_'
as a one-character identifier in the jaxp and jdk repositories. All
the uses I was able to find are in tests, and the identifier is used
as a name of a catch parameter. The proposed new name is "ignore", but
if a different name would be more appropriate, I'll be happy to use it.

Webrev for the jaxp repository:

Webrev for the jdk repository:

In JAXP test Bug4969089 then "ignore" looks a bit odd given that it's in
a method declaration.

Sorry for that - I've forgot about these uses in method declarations. I've updated the patch to use "unused" for them.

In TypeCheckMicroBenchmark then "ignore" is might be a misleading too
given that the ArrayStoreException causes a CCE to be thrown.

I've updated the patch to use "expected" where the exception appears to be expected and "unused" where exception appears to be unexpected, but the variable is not used.

Updated patches:



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