Hi Frank,

Nice refactoring the original tests, esp. the TransformerTest!

jaxp14 is legacy in the jaxp standalone world. While we are at this, you may want to move these tests to their relevant packages since in the JDK world, jaxp14 is no longer relevant (jaxp 1.4 was integrated into JDK 6). As you've already split FactoryTest into various Factory tests, you may find them a bit thin in terms of test coverage now that they are named *FactoryTest since they cover just one of the two newInstance methods. I would think it makes sense to move them into / combine with the Factory tests of their own packages.


On 1/27/2015 1:09 AM, Frank Yuan wrote:
Hi, Joe, Lance and All

We are working on moving internal jaxp functional tests to open jdk repo.
This is the jaxp14 suite. Would you please review these test?  Any comment
will be appreciated.

bug: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8051710
webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~fyuan/8051710/webrev.00/



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