Can't say I've used isPresent() much, as map()/flatMap()/orElse() take
care of most use cases.

What is an issue is that the primitive optional classes do not have
ofNullable(), filter(), map() or flatMap(). It seems odd to be adding
an additional new method to the primitive optional classes without
rounding out the missing methods to reach feature parity. I've heard
people complaining about the missing methods on more than one


On 3 February 2015 at 15:38, Paul Sandoz <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Here is another tweak to Optional (and primitives) that has some weight:
> /**
>  * If a value is present, perform the given action with the value,
>  * otherwise perform the given empty-based action.
>  *
>  * @param action the action to be performed if a value is present
>  * @param emptyAction the empty-based action to be performed if a value is
>  * not present
>  * @throws NullPointerException if a value is present and {@code action} is
>  * null, or a value is not present and {@code emptyAction} is null.
>  * @since 1.9
>  */
> public void ifPresentOrElse(Consumer<? super T> action, Runnable emptyAction) 
> {
>     if (value != null) {
>         action.accept(value);
>     } else {
>     }
> }
> (In hindsight we should have been consistent and thrown NPEs regardless of 
> the optional state. The exception throwing behaviour is consistent with 
> ifPresent.)
> Previously it was kind of awkward if one had two lambdas or method refs 
> handy, one had to do:
>   o.ifPresent(v -> ...);
>   if (!o.ifPresent()) {
>     ...
>   }
> Or just:
>   if (o.ifPresent()) {
>     ...
>   } else {
>      ...
>   }
> I also updated the language of the ifPresent methods to be more consistent 
> with Collection/Stream.forEach.
> Paul.

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