Hi Thomas,

Conventionally,  File.deleteOnExit is used for file cleanup in the test.
An unexpected exception could leave the file around.  An alternative is to
use try {...} finally {file.delete};

Fixed file names can sometime cause issues if they are left around by
previous test runs or with a concurrent run of the same test on the same
system. Can File.createTempFile be used with a suitably long prefix or suffix?
It would ensure a unique file name.

The rest looks good.

Thanks, Roger

On 2/9/15 8:30 AM, Thomas Stüfe wrote:
Hi all,

please review this small change at your convenience:


It fixes a small issue which causes ProcessBuilder not to be able to open
files to redirect into (when using Redirect.append) on windows, if that
file name is longer than 255 chars.

Kind Regards, Thomas Stuefe

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