On 02/13/2015 04:18 PM, David M. Lloyd wrote:
On 02/13/2015 09:15 AM, Peter Levart wrote:
On 02/13/2015 03:22 PM, Paul Sandoz wrote:
>It*is* inconvenient for the user to have to use wildcards in specifying types:
>CompletableFuture<? extends Process> cf = process.completableFuture();
>...but it doesn't hinder the use of above 'cf' quite so much as 'len' in List example above, since 'T' in CompletableFuture<T> is used mostly in co-variant positions. The only methods that use it in contra-variant positions are:
What about the methods with a parameter type of:

   CompletionStage<? extends T>

such as applyToEither and acceptEither?


Oh, I see.

That's a problem, yes. And these two methods are actually very useful in
the context of processes - waiting for 1st of two processes to finish.

So the signature can only be the following:

     CompletableFuture<ProcessHandle> completableFuture();

I hesitate to mention it, but as someone who has been frustrated by this same problem on numerous occasions I feel I must suggest that maybe... having a completableFuture method should just be dropped? A user should be able to implement it themselves fairly easily, right? And they'd be able to sidestep problems like stack size and so on by managing their own threads.

That's a good idea. If the following two methods were added to Process[Handle]:

    public class ProcessHandle {
        public ProcessHandle waitForUninterruptibly();

    public class Process extends ProcessHandle {
        public Process waitForUninterruptibly();

One could get CompletableFuture(s) simply by:

        ProcessHandle ph = ...;

CompletableFuture<ProcessHandle> phf = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(ph::waitForUninterruptibly);

        Process p = ...;

CompletableFuture<Process> pf = CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(p::waitForUninterruptibly);


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