Hi Alan,

Yes, the destroy use looks a bit odd. In Process, destroyForcibly
returns this so that the application can fluently wait for the termination to complete.
Returning Optional<ProcessHandle> enables the case to fluently
perform an action on the process when it does exit.

    ProcessHandle ph = ...;
    ph.destroy().ifPresent(p -> p.onExit( ...));

Optional.isPresent() provides a boolean if that's needed.

Thanks, Roger

On 5/13/2015 10:55 AM, Alan Bateman wrote:
On 13/05/2015 15:16, Roger Riggs wrote:

Are there any comments about the use of java.util.Optional in the ProcessHandle API?
Or a review of the changes?
Having parent return Optional<ProcessHandle> looks good.

Having all methods in ProcessHandle.Info return Optional is probably right, it gives us a bit more flexibility compared to info() returning Optional<Info>.

I'm not sure abut the destroy* methods, the result of a destroy is essentially a boolean so this feels a little odd.


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