On 19.10.2015 12:56, Attila Szegedi wrote:
On Oct 19, 2015, at 10:46 AM, Jochen Theodorou <blackd...@gmx.org
<mailto:blackd...@gmx.org>> wrote:

since it is dynalink there is I guess only one master linker in the
end. Can you point me to some code showing how the composition of
linkers is done to refresh my memory on that?

Sure, here’s how Nashorn does it:


You’ll notice that Nashorn has a total of 10 linkers - they’re
modularized per purpose.

interesting... I will take a closer look at those some time later this week

So am I right in assuming that if for example there is the public nashorn linker and the linker from Groovy, that we simply go through the list of linkers (from a service based lookup I guess) and the first linker claiming to be able to link that gets to do it?

bye Jochen

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