On 24/03/16 15:29, David M. Lloyd wrote:
Daniel, I have hacked together a way to use the system class loader
(which should be "good enough", I hope), but there is one further
problem: org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory does not have a factory
method which accepts a class loader like the others do.  Any thoughts on
this one?  It looks like it might be pretty easy to add this method...
but then, it's also pretty easy to just add setters to set the default
Class :)

Hi David,

The XMLReaderFactory is a kind of strange beast because it doesn't
use the ServiceLoader either: the specification doesn't adhere to
the ServiceLoader convention - so the class still forage for itself
inside the META-INF/services resource directory.

It may be something we will need to fix - but I'll defer to
Joe Wang in that matter.

As a general rule my personal taste would be to avoid global setters,
as these usually come with a whole lot of issues (security,
race conditions (if two pieces of code try to set different defaults),
isolation, etc...).

So if we can find a suitable solution that can leverage the
ServiceLoader mechanism that would have my preference by far :-)

best regards,

-- daniel

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