Hi Mandy,

On 29/06/2016 12:28 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:

On Jun 28, 2016, at 4:23 PM, David Holmes <david.hol...@oracle.com> wrote:

On 29/06/2016 8:43 AM, Kim Barrett wrote:
Updated webrevs:



Did Reference<?> not work? Just curious. I used to be a qualified Java 
programmer back in the Java 5 era, but wildcards were always a bit iffy :)

A related post in compiler-dev w.r.t. Reference<? super Object>:

Looks like no reply on that thread though.


Still investigating the initialization order for core exceptions.

I suspect it is as Coleen indicated that the module changes introduced the new 
failure path that you hit. I did a quick check of the initialization order in 
an old b50:

33 Initializing 'java/lang/Throwable' (0x0000001780002990)
46 Initializing 'java/lang/Exception'(no method) (0x0000001780003158)
47 Initializing 'java/lang/InterruptedException'(no method) (0x00000017800178a8)

Compare that with a current build:

60 Initializing 'java/lang/ref/Reference$ReferenceHandler' (0x000000080001e3f0)
61 Initializing 'java/lang/Throwable' (0x00000008000029f8)
62 Initializing 'java/lang/Exception'(no method) (0x00000008000031a8)
63 Initializing 'java/lang/InterruptedException'(no method) (0x000000080001e6e0)
64 Initializing 'java/lang/ref/PhantomReference'(no method) (0x0000000800006440)

How do you get this list?

For current builds: java -Xlog:class+init -version (and I trimmed the output)

For slightly older builds: java -Xlog:classinit -version

For pre UL you need a fastdebug build and: java -XX:+TraceClassInitialization -version

Initialization of Throwable is much, much later (large parts of java.lang and 
java.util are now initialized first!) and is obviously a direct consequence of 
preinitializing InterruptedException.

Do you mind trying b110 before JEP 261 was integrated in jdk-9+111 and see any 

Here's fragment from b109:

31 Initializing 'java/lang/ref/Reference' (0x0000000800005a08)
32 Initializing 'java/lang/ref/Reference$Lock'(no method) (0x00000008000181c0) 33 Initializing 'java/lang/ref/Reference$ReferenceHandler' (0x00000008000183b8)
34 Initializing 'java/lang/Throwable' (0x00000008000028f0)

initPhase1 is expected to be called very early in the VM initialization after 
the primordial classes are loaded.

IIRC, the exception classes are preallocated to improve diagnosability in the 
case when we run out of memory VM can still throw a preallocated instance with 
an preallocated stack trace buffer.  I don’t think these exception classes are 
expected to be loaded initPhase1.

So here is what I see has happened.

Looking back at 9-b01, before we forced the initialization of InterruptedException and thus Throwable we find:

58 Initializing 'java/lang/Throwable' (0x0000000800002990)

So Kim is right this was working by accident. It just seems that back then there was less memory required by the initialization of all the collection and other classes and so we didn't run into this problem.

Post the InterruptedException change the initialization order made it unlikely an OOME could be encountered before Throwable was initialized (and after we have reached a point where we can throw without the VM crashing or instead doing a vm_exit_during_initialization).

Post modules those collection classes, and others, are now done earlier again and before Throwable. And presumably their memory demands have increased.

Although we preallocate the OutOfMemoryError instances, and avoid executing any java code to do so, we can't necessarily** "throw" them until after Throwable is initialized. We now have a lot more initialization occurring before we init Throwable and so OOME is more likely and so it will fail as Kim observed.

** I say necessarily because I still believe it is the fact we attempt to fill in the stacktrace that leads to the dependency on Throwable being initialized, and we should be able to avoid that if we check the VM initialization state in gen_out_of_memory_error().


More to dig here.


So I would say that the module change did break this and that initialization of 
Throwable (only) should be restored to a much higher place in the 
initialization sequence.


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