On 09/06/2016 01:49 AM, Jonathan Bluett-Duncan wrote:
> I decided to have a crack at "JDK-8134373 explore potential uses of
> convenience factories within the JDK" today. I recognise it's only a P4 bug
> and most likely won't be prioritised for Java 9, but I believe I found a
> number of places where uses of
> "Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(...))" and "Arrays.asList(..)"
> can be replaced with "List.of(...)". I've thus made some changes to my
> local clone of the jdk9 codebase.
> I'm now at a point where I'm unfamiliar with what one does next when
> contributing to OpenJDK, so I wonder if you'd kindly advise me on what my
> next step(s) are.

See: http://openjdk.java.net/contribute/

In short, sign and send OCA, prepare and send the patch for review, work
with your sponsor.


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