On 10/10/2016 23:44, Brent Christian wrote:

On 10/10/16 2:30 PM, Mandy Chung wrote:

The patch looks fine.  It would be good to add @see
#registerAsParallelCapable in this new method.  Also the first
“parallel capable” occurrance in the class spec and the
registerAsParallelCapable method spec to @linkplain

Thanks for having a look, and for the suggestions. I also added an @see #isParallelCapable in registerAsParallelCapable().

Webrev updated in place:
The javadoc looks okay to me. One thing that would be good is to beef up the test to cover more scenarios, esp. loader L1 extends loader L2 where you've got 4 combination of capable/non-capable to test.


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