On 18/05/2017 2:36 AM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
Stop trying to add APIs to mutate environment variables.  It's not going
to happen!

Not sure who or what you are directing this at Martin. Certainly I'm not suggesting any API to mutate environment variables. This is about an API to re-read an already potentially mutated external environment.

There is no known way to mutate environment variables in a
multithreaded Unix process without risk of native crashes (and I have
worn the hat of poor support engineer trying to diagnose SEGV in
getenv).  IIRC we made the decision 13 years ago to cache the
environment on first access, and that was before the thread-unsafety of
putenv was fully appreciated.

Yes, Java still has a serious startup performance problem; that should
be attacked more directly.

?? Not sure what startup has to do with the topic here.


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