Thanks for the explanation, Jon. I am fine with the current one.


On 8/18/17 5:37 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
Hi Naoto,

Thanks for checking out the changes.

On 08/18/2017 05:19 PM, Naoto Sato wrote:
Hi Jon,

Thank you for the cleanup! I looked at j.l.String, j.t.DateTimeFormatter, and j.u.ResourceBundle and all look good.

BTW, I just noticed that in ResourceBundle, line 1330 and so on, there is a new column "Index" introduced. Is this intentional?

Yes. It is intentional, although I'm open to better suggestions for the column header, or for other presentations.

Conceptually, the information is a list of pairs.   The text that precedes the info describes it as "the sequence of locale-format combinations to be used to call |control.newBundle|. ". HTML can't do a list of pairs as such, and so a table is used. But for accessibility, there must be some subset of each row which together uniquely define the row, and so can be used as row headers for the data cells in that row.  Typically, the first element is the the unique element.  But that is not so in this case ... worse: there is no such column whose cells define the row. Both columns contain duplicates.  That means the only combination that uniquely defines the row is the entire row, which would mean the table would be
all header cells and no data cells!

I went with a solution to add a new column which identifies the position in the sequence. If you don't like the extra column, the alternative would be a bulleted or numbered list, with the two items of the pair separated by commas or some other punctuation, as in:

  *       Locale("de", "DE"),     java.class
  *       Locale("de", "DE") ,
  *       Locale("de"),     java.class
  *       Locale("de"),
  *       Locale(""),     java.class
  *       Locale(""),

(In my mail client, that looks like a bulleted list; I don't know how well it will travel
through the mail system.)

-- Jon


On 8/18/17 5:03 PM, Jonathan Gibbons wrote:
Please review these fixes for various minor documentation issues in the java.base module. The changes are mostly in java.util and its subpackages, but there is some minor cleanup
in previously updated packages as well.

The primary focus is on addressing accessibility issues. In addition, some doc files have been converted to HTML5. As with all recent fixes like this, there should be no change to
the underlying specifications.


-- Jon, the Javadoc Janitor

Here are more detailed notes on the changes:

     Some greek text that previously used discrete image files for the characters      has been updated to use Unicode characters, specified with HTML entities.      All related image files in the doc-files subdirectory have now been removed.

     The file is trivially updated to HTML 5.

     The file is updated to HTML 5.

     Two missing quote marks are added.
     The quotes are regrettably necessary: some of the examples contain spaces,
     and some cells have more than one example,

     The tables are made accessible.
     Where reasonable, the tables are converted to the de-facto standard
     "striped" style.

     A table is made accessible, and converted to the de-facto standard
     "striped" style.

     A preformatted list is converted to a semantic list.
     The tables are made accessible.
     Where reasonable, the tables are converted to the de-facto standard
     "striped" style.
     Line 3458 and following. Previously, the comment did not display correctly      because javadoc incorrectly treated the dot in this string "<code>'.'</code>"      as the end of the first sentence! The minimal fix would be to change that
     string to "{@code .}", but that would be stylistically inconsistent
     with the rest of the comment. There are too many occurrences of
     <code>...</code> in the file as a whole to change them all at this time,      so the compromise is just to replace the occurrences in this comment.
     Introducing more cleanup for existing uses of <code>...</code> is a
     topic for another day.

     The tables are made accessible.
     In the second table, the "Insert"/"Remove"/"Examine" headings
     are moved from embedded rows to a new left-most column
     for consistency with other similar tables.

     The table is made accessible.

     The table is made accessible.

     The file is updated to HTML 5.
     The name attributes, which each duplicated the id attribute on
     the same enclosing <a> element, are removed.

     The file is trivially updated to HTML 5.

     The file is updated to HTML 5.
     A style is added for the table declared in this file.
     An alternative edit, to import and use the main javadoc stylesheet
     was consider, but caused too many other visual issues.
     Eventually, we should change all doc-files/*.html files to use the
     standard stylesheet(s).

     The file is updated to HTML 5.

     This was the hardest file to update; in particular, the main
     table listing the supported pattern constructs. Several solutions
     were attempted, such as splitting the table up into smaller tables,
     and moving the subheadings to a new column on the left.
     As the saying goes, this solution is the worst, except for all
     the others. It has the singular advantage of preserving the
     existing visual appearance for most users, even if the
     source code is somewhat dominated by the attributes to
     make the table accessible, and to retain the same visual
     presentation.  This table, and some of tables in the Collections
     API, highlight the shortcomings in javadoc's support for
     custom styles when it is really, really needed. In principle, all
     of the style attributes in the main table could be placed
     much more succintly in some local stylesheet.
     The other edits in this file are more obvious and straightforward.

     The tables are made accessible.
     Again, custom stylesheets would simplify the source code.

src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/doc-files/*.gif (deleted)
     See comments above for src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/      The files src/java.base/share/classes/java/lang/doc-files/javalang.doc.anc*.gif
     appear to be orphaned relics of earlier versions of the API.
     The images exist in releases at least as far back as 1.4, and look
     like they might have been part of some mathematical representation of
     a string hash function, although I've not been able to track down
     where the images were used.

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