
Please review the following patch for minimal dynamic constant support:



This patch is based on the JDK 10 unified HotSpot repository. Testing so far 
looks good.

By minimal i mean just the support in the runtime for a dynamic constant pool 
entry to be referenced by a LDC instruction or a bootstrap method argument. 
Much of the work leverages the foundations built by invoke dynamic but is 
arguably simpler since resolution is less complex.

A small set of bootstrap methods will be proposed as a follow on issue for 10 
(these are currently being refined in the amber repository).

Bootstrap method invocation has not changed (and the rules are the same for 
dynamic constants and indy). It is planned to enhance this in a further major 
release to support lazy resolution of bootstrap method arguments.

The CSR for the VM specification is here:


the j.l.invoke package documentation was also updated but please consider the 
VM specification as the definitive "source of truth" (we may clean up this area 
further later on so it becomes more informative, and that may also apply to 
duplicative text on MethodHandles/VarHandles).

Any AoT-related work will be deferred to a future release.


This patch only supports x64 platforms. There is a small set of changes 
specific to x64 (specifically to support null and primitives constants, as 
prior to this patch null was used as a sentinel for resolution and certain 
primitives types would never have been encountered, such as say byte).

We will need to follow up with the SPARC platform and it is hoped/anticipated 
that OpenJDK members responsible for other platforms (namely ARM and PPC) will 
separately provide patches.


Many of tests rely on an experimental byte code API that supports the 
generation of byte code with dynamic constants.

One test uses class file bytes produced from a modified version of asmtools.  
The modifications have now been pushed but a new version of asmtools need to be 
rolled into jtreg before the test can operate directly on asmtools information 
rather than embedding class file bytes directly in the test.



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