Thanks, Daniel.  That is the issue.  I probably should have described it
more clearly.

Do you have a sense of a fix timeline?  If there is a relatively prompt
fix, I can backport it to our internal build instead of introducing churn
in our many, many logging configuration files.  If it is likely to be a
long time, I'll go ahead and change the logging configs.


On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 7:09 AM, Daniel Fuchs <>

> Sorry Jeremy,
> I think I misread your issue.
> The issue is that .handlers=X behaves differently than handlers=X
> I'm afraid I might have introduced this regression with
> :-(
> The obvious workaround for now would be to use
> handlers=
> as documented in the file.
> For compatibility reasons then I think we unfortunately
> must continue to support ".handlers" as well, if that
> used to work in 8.
> I logged
> best regards,
> -- daniel
> On 09/11/2017 12:36, Daniel Fuchs wrote:
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> Which jdk version/distribution are you using?
>> I see .level = INFO in the jdk9/master sources:
>> logging/share/conf/
>> There should be no changes WRT the default level between 8 and 9.
>> best regards,
>> -- daniel
>> On 09/11/2017 01:09, Jeremy Manson wrote:
>>> Hey folks,
>>> I can't find reference to this in a relnote, so I thought I would ask.
>>> If
>>> we have the following files:
>>> # Set the level of the root logger
>>> .level = INFO
>>> # Send the root logger's output to the console
>>> .handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
>>> public class Test {
>>>    public static void main(String[] args) {
>>>      java.util.logging.Logger.getAnonymousLogger().info("Hi!");
>>>    }
>>> }
>>> In Java 8, we will see console output, and in Java 9, we won't.
>>> # Java 8
>>> $ java Test
>>> Nov 08, 2017 5:02:05 PM Test main
>>> INFO: Hi!
>>> # Java 9
>>> $ java Test
>>> I thought that, perhaps, a decision was made to have the empty string no
>>> longer mean the root logger, so I took it off of .handlers:
>>> # Set the level of the root logger
>>> .level = INFO
>>> # Send the root logger's output to the console
>>> handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
>>> Success in the sense that this got me output in Java 9.  However, .level
>>> still seems to work; if I then have:
>>> # Set the level of the root logger
>>> .level = WARNING
>>> # Send the root logger's output to the console
>>> handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
>>> it sets the root logger's level to WARNING.
>>> I don't see any of this in a relnote anywhere, and I don't see an obvious
>>> bug about it anywhere.  There seem to have been a fair few changes to
>>> java.util.logging in Java 9.  Was a documented decision made to have
>>> .handlers stop meaning handlers on the root logger, but to allow .level
>>> to
>>> continue meaning level on the root logger?  Or do I just have the wrong
>>> end
>>> of the stick on this?
>>> Thanks!
>>> Jeremy

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