Keep the comment, I didn't notice it had only been relocated.


On 12/4/2017 3:36 PM, Martin Buchholz wrote:
Hi Roger,

On Mon, Dec 4, 2017 at 12:12 PM, Roger Riggs < <>> wrote:

    Hi Martin,

    The java.time APIs refined the pattern used for Serialization
    proxies to document the relationship between
    the original class and its serialization proxies methods.

Right.  I was aware of the effort that java.time people put into their serialization code.  They did a good job, and my proposed change makes it more like theirs (but even more like the ones in j.u.c.a.)

    452: SerializationProxy.readResolve doesn't need the comment about
    since EnumSet.add method checks each element that is added.

You may be right, but I was only preserving the original comment, and removing it should be a separate change (I leave it to you!).

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