
My understand is JDK-6533165 is moving the bytes that are rarely invoked to a 
cold method.

if (closed) {
   throw new IOException("Stream closed");
if (closed) {
   throw sc();

private static IOException sc() {
    return new IOException("Stream closed");

Since there is no string concatenation in the IOE message there are only a few 
bytes that can be shaved off.  I didn't benchmark it either case but I would 
assume it would matter for the nullOutputStream since the write methods could 
be invoked multiple times.

From: Brian Burkhalter <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 2:05 PM
To: Jason Mehrens
Cc: core-libs-dev
Subject: Re: RFR 4358774: Add null InputStream and OutputStream


On Dec 6, 2017, at 11:54 AM, Jason Mehrens 
<<>> wrote:

For nullInputStream would it make any sense to use the ByteArrayInputStream 
with a (private static) empty byte array?  Maybe 'return new 
ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes());'?  One side effect is that mark support 
returns true.

As we are trying to retain the behavior of closed streams throwing IOExceptions 
I don’t think that BAIS would work here.

Does it make sense to follow the advice 
in with regards to streams 
being closed?

I don’t know exactly what you intend here. In the linked issue there is 
information to impart, namely the index and the size. Here there is only the 
indication that the stream is closed. It’s not clear to me what could be done 



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