On 21/05/2018 06:57, David Holmes wrote:
- Can the spec for Class::getNestHost be explicit that it returns
"this" when the class is a primitive or array class?
This is covered by:
"A class or interface that is not explicitly a member of a nest, is a
member of the nest consisting only of itself, and is the nest host.
Every class and interface is a member of exactly one nest."
Do we really need to spell out the case for primitives and arrays? If
so would it suffice to add the following:
"A class or interface that is not explicitly a member of a nest *(such
as primitive or array classes)*, is a member of the nest consisting
only of itself, and is the nest host. Every class and interface is a
member of exactly one nest."
My comment was actually about the @return but expanding the method
description with the above would be clearer.
BTW: In the @return it currently has " ... or this if we cannot obtain a
valid nest host". Will the "we" part be re-worded?