I've just taking a look at the patch,
i don't see how this can be integrated soon, the code is consistently 
inconsistent as one of my colleague would say, even the coding conventions are 
not respected.
i believe that's it's because the code have been written first in Java 6 an 
without refactoring was moved to use Java 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11.

The I/O code still using java.io.File for some parts, no try-with-resources so 
most of the try/finally are not safe,
a lot of code like new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file)) instead of 
Files.newBufferedWriter, etc. The code should use the package java.nio.file, 
and not the old java.io,
most of the code try to manage the exception right were they appear instead of 
propagating them so there are too many try/catch,
a lot of catch are ignored which is a code smell, some codes use the internal 
logger (jdk.packager.internal.Log), but a lot of codes doesn't,
for the collection code, there is a lot of copy of data small structures (which 
suggest that published collections are not immutable),
there are dubious @SuppressWarnings("unchecked"), some or them are due to the 
fact that the code use Class as a type token instead of using lambdas,
Stream are not used when they should (to avoid multiple copy between data 
structures) and streams that need to be closed are not (the result of 
Files.list by example),
there are usual "don't do that in Java" like a loop using an integer index to 
traverse a List without knowing if it's a random access list or not,
there is a lot of nullchecks instead of using Optional,
a lot of code initialize local variables to null which is a code smell (and a 
side effect of having a lot of try/catch but not only),
constructors should not do work, just initialization, use static factory method 
instead (so you will not have to debug half constructed objects),
the code uses BigIntegers to parse a bundle version, just in case,
the code uses an AtomicReference as a box that a lambda can mutate, instead of 
wrapping the exception into a runtime and unwrapping it at call site,
The code of jdk.packager.internal.IOUtils should be updated to use methods of 
the JDK 11 and methods like readFully should be replaced by the JDK's one.
listOfPathToString and setOfStringToString are just WTF, like in 
getRedistributableModules(), where the variable stream is an Optional,
A class like Platform should be used everywhere to do platform specific stuff, 
a lot of code still use String matching (the version parsing should use 
All the argument parsing should be delegated to JOpt (the one integrated with 
the JDK), so it will be consistent with the other JDK tools,
There is a UnsupportedPlatformException but a Platform can be UNKOWN ??

I will stop here, my point is that there is a lot of cleaning that should 
appear before the code is integrated into the JDK and given the size of the 
code, i wonder if it's not better to start an OpenJDK project for it and 
iterate on the code before trying to include it in the JDK. For me, the code is 
too big to use the jdk/sandbox.


----- Mail original -----
> De: "Kevin Rushforth" <kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com>
> À: "core-libs-dev" <core-libs-dev@openjdk.java.net>
> Cc: "Alexey Semenyuk" <alexey.semen...@oracle.com>, "Andy Herrick" 
> <andy.herr...@oracle.com>
> Envoyé: Vendredi 6 Juillet 2018 22:14:29
> Objet: Prototype of jpackager in jdk/sandbox [was: Draft JEP proposal: 
> JDK-8200758: Packaging Tool]

> An initial prototype of the jpackager tool has been pushed to a new
> 'JDK-8200758-branch' branch in the JDK sandbox [1]. If anyone is
> interested in taking a look, you can clone it as follows:
>     hg clone http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/sandbox
>     cd ./sandbox
>     hg update JDK-8200758-branch
> I plan to reply to the feedback already provided, and update the JEP [2]
> next week some time, but in the mean time if you have additional
> questions or comments, feel free to reply.
> -- Kevin
> [1] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk/sandbox/shortlog/JDK-8200758-branch
> [2] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200758
> On 6/27/2018 3:30 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> We're aiming to get this into JDK 12 early enough so that an EA build
>> would be available around the time JDK 11 ships. That will allow you
>> to take a jlinked image with JDK 11 and package it up using (the EA)
>> jpackager.
>> We will create a development branch in the JDK sandbox [1] some time
>> in the next week or so so you can follow the development.
>> Also, thank you to those who have provided feedback. I'll reply to
>> feedback soon and then incorporate it into an updated JEP.
> > -- Kevin

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