Right, I explicitly want to make the distinction between this and the “Multiple 
launchers” stretch goal.  I want to use the "multiple launchers” as well. 

One way that I have used multiple launchers (on Linux, I don’t think I could 
get it to work on Windows) is to have one launcher be a service/daemon and a 
second launcher be a configuration utility for the service.

I have some cases where multiple services are installed, each can be 
independent, but normally they are part of several different product suites.  
The total product itself can share a JRE, that’s where I want the option to 
specify a private, shared JRE.  

The JRE often makes up the majority of the application’s size.  This can come 
down with jlink of course, but because of the nature of our product - with many 
plugins that are installed after the fact, we need a full JRE as we can’t 
anticipate what modules the plugins will need.


> On Jul 27, 2018, at 10:14 AM, Andy Herrick <andy.herr...@oracle.com> wrote:
> I don't see why this isn't feasible, and will file such an enhancement 
> request, but should be possible to deliver a suite of apps in one bundle.  
> This is the third 'stretch goal' : "Multiple launchers (enables a suite of 
> applications to be bundled in a single self-contained application package)"
> /Andy
> On 7/27/2018 9:13 AM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>> > Will it be possible to NOT include the JRE, but specify instead a 
>> > pre-existing location for the JRE?
>> This does seem like an interesting use case. As you say, it is similar in 
>> many ways to both the Multiple Launchers and system JRE, but not quite the 
>> same as either. The mechanism to manage and locate these shared-but-private 
>> JREs seems like the most challenging part. We can add it to the "if there is 
>> time" list of features, but I don't know how feasible it is for the first 
>> version. Andy or Alexey can comment as to whether the current prototype has 
>> done anything that would make this difficult.
>> -- Kevin
>> On 7/26/2018 7:38 AM, Scott Palmer wrote:
>>> "The input to jpackager includes: a Java runtime image, and a Java 
>>> application in one of several formats..."
>>> Will it be possible to NOT include the JRE, but specify instead a 
>>> pre-existing location for the JRE?
>>> As an example use-case consider an office productivity suite where there 
>>> are separate installers for a word processor and a spreadsheet application. 
>>>  These applications are independent and can be installed in any combination 
>>> (word processor only, both, spreadsheet only).  However they are part of 
>>> the same versioned application suite and have been developed and tested 
>>> with a particular JRE.  Only a single JRE needs to be installed.  The 
>>> applications can share it.  This is not the same as using a system-wide JRE 
>>> (is that even supported for Java 11 and beyond?).  But a shared private JRE 
>>> controlled by the application developer.
>>> This is similar but not the same as the proposed "Multiple launchers" 
>>> feature (if time allows), as the shared JRE could be used by different 
>>> software packages.
>>> In many cases the JRE is a very large part of the software installation, 
>>> both in terms of the size of the distributed installer package and the 
>>> storage requirements of the installed application.  JRE sharing can help 
>>> with this.
>>> I'm thinking that eventually we could get to the point where developers 
>>> could treat the JRE as a versioned dependency, also covering the case of 
>>> customized JRE images.  I don't propose that this jpackager tool be 
>>> involved in creating or distributing such JRE images, only that it supports 
>>> running applications using a pre-installed JRE where the location can be 
>>> determined at installer build time or perhaps install time.
>>> This was possible with the javapackager tool.
>>> Scott
>>>> On Jul 25, 2018, at 7:12 PM, Kevin Rushforth <kevin.rushfo...@oracle.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Thank you to all who provided feedback. I have updated the draft JEP [1], 
>>>> and I think I have incorporated most of the feedback I received. 
>>>> Specifically, I have reorganized and reworded a few things for clarity, 
>>>> added '.exe' and '.app in a .dmg' native package format to the list of 
>>>> features, and added the service bundler (daemon) feature to the "if we 
>>>> have time" list (at the top of that list).
>>>> Please let me know if I missed an important point. I hope to submit this 
>>>> JEP in the next week or two.
>>>> -- Kevin
>>>> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200758
>>>> On 5/30/2018 5:10 PM, Kevin Rushforth wrote:
>>>>> I would like to propose the following Draft JEP [1] for discussion.
>>>>> JDK-8200758: Packaging Tool
>>>>> This is intended as a JDK-scope replacement for the existing javapackager 
>>>>> tool that ships with Oracle JDK 10 (and earlier Oracle JDK releases), and 
>>>>> was delivered as part of the JavaFX build. The javapackager tool has been 
>>>>> removed from Oracle JDK 11 along with the removal of JavaFX.
>>>>> Comments on this JEP are welcome. It is currently not targeted for a 
>>>>> specific release, but we are aiming for JDK 12.
>>>>> -- Kevin
>>>>> [1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8200758

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