> In the CSR, I updated the webrev link to point to the latest, I set the
> fix-version to 12, and I set the scope to SE. I've marked the CSR reviewed.
> The next thing is for you to mark the CSR as Finalized.

Done, thanks!

With best regards,
Tagir Valeev

> Thanks,
> s'marks
> On 9/24/18 3:39 AM, Tagir Valeev wrote:
> > Ok, teeing. Webrev updated:
> > http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~tvaleev/webrev/8205461/r6/
> > CSR updated accordingly:
> > https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8209685
> >
> > With best regards,
> > Tagir Valeev.
> > On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 8:26 PM Brian Goetz <brian.go...@oracle.com> wrote:
> >>
> >> The example of ISS is a good one.  It is analogous to the question of
> >> "when is it right to write a class, and when it is right to write a
> >> function?"  And the answer is, of course, "it depends."  ISS was an
> >> obvious grouping, but even there there was significant disagreement
> >> during its design about what it should support and not (especially with
> >> regard to sum-of-squares calculations), and extra work done to make it
> >> extensible.  If you're writing from scratch, you might well consider
> >> writing something like ISS.
> >>
> >> But ... the whole motivation for having "teeing" _at all_ is that you
> >> have some existing collectors you want to reuse!  It seems a little
> >> silly to claim "I definitely will want to reuse two collectors, so much
> >> so that we need a new method, but can't imagine ever wanting to reuse
> >> three."
> >>
> >> So, while I am not saying we have to solve the N-way problem now, but I
> >> think we'd be silly to pick a naming scheme that falls apart when we try
> >> to go past two.   So I'm still at "teeing".  It works for two, and it
> >> works for larger numbers as well.
> >>
> >> On 9/16/2018 5:23 AM, Tagir Valeev wrote:
> >>> Hello, Brian!
> >>>
> >>> Regarding more than two collectors. Some libraries definitely have
> >>> analogs (e.g. [1]) which combine more than two collectors. To my
> >>> opinion combining two collectors this way is an upper limit for
> >>> readable code. Especially if you are going to collect to the list, you
> >>> will have a list of untyped and unnamed results which positionally
> >>> correspond to the collectors. If you have more than two collectors to
> >>> combine, writing a separate accumulator class with accept/combine
> >>> methods and creating a collector from the scratch would be much easier
> >>> to read and support. A good example is IntSummaryStatistics and the
> >>> corresponding summarizingInt collector. It could be emulated combining
> >>> four collectors (maxBy, minBy, summingInt, counting), but having a
> >>> dedicated class IntSummaryStatistics which does all four things
> >>> explicitly is much better. It could be easily reused outside of Stream
> >>> API context, it has well-named and well-typed accessor methods and it
> >>> may contain other domain-specific methods like average(). Imagine if
> >>> it were a List of four elements and you had to call summary.get(1) to
> >>> get a maximum. So I think that supporting more than two collectors
> >>> would encourage obscure programming.
> >>>
> >>> With best regards,
> >>> Tagir Valeev
> >>>
> >>> [1] 
> >>> https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOL/blob/889d87c85ca57bafd4eddd78e0f7ae2804d2ee86/jOOL/src/main/java/org/jooq/lambda/tuple/Tuple.java#L1282
> >>> (don't ask me why!)
> >>>
> >>> On Sat, Sep 15, 2018 at 10:36 PM Brian Goetz <brian.go...@oracle.com> 
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> tl;dr: "Duplexing" is an OK name, though I think `teeing` is less likely
> >>>> to be a name we regret, for reasons outlined below.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> The behavior of this Collector is:
> >>>>     - duplicate the stream into two identical streams
> >>>>     - collect the two streams with two collectors, yielding two results
> >>>>     - merge the two results into a single result
> >>>>
> >>>> Obviously, a name like `duplexingAndCollectingAndThenMerging`, which,
> >>>> entirely accurate and explanatory, is "a bit" unwieldy.  So the
> >>>> questions are:
> >>>>     - how much can we drop and still be accurate
> >>>>     - which parts are best to drop.
> >>>>
> >>>> When we pick names, we are not just trying to pick the best name for
> >>>> now, but we should imagine all the possible operations one might ever
> >>>> want to do in the future (names in the JDK are forever) and make a
> >>>> reasonable attempt to imagine whether this could cause confusion or
> >>>> regret in the future.
> >>>>
> >>>> To evaluate "duplexing" here (which seems the most important thing to
> >>>> keep), I'd ask: is there any other reasonable way to imagine a
> >>>> `duplexing` collect operation, now or in the future?
> >>>>
> >>>> One could imagine wanting an operation that takes a stream and produces
> >>>> two streams whose contents are that of the original stream.  And
> >>>> "duplex" is a good name for that.  But, it is not a Collector; it would
> >>>> be a stream transform, like concat.  So that doesn't seem a conflict; a
> >>>> duplexing collector and a duplexing stream transform are sort of from
> >>>> "different namespaces."
> >>>>
> >>>> Can one imagine a "duplexing" Collector that doesn't do any collection?
> >>>> I cannot.  Something that returns a pair of streams would not be a
> >>>> Collector, but something else. So dropping AndCollecting seems justified.
> >>>>
> >>>> What about "AndThenMerging"?  The purpose of collect is to reduce the
> >>>> stream into a summary description.  Can we imagine a duplexing operation
> >>>> that doesn't merge the two results, but instead just returns a tuple of
> >>>> the results?  Yes, I can totally imagine this, especially once we have
> >>>> value types and records, which makes returning ad-hoc tuples cheaper
> >>>> (syntactically, heap-wise, CPU-wise.)  So I think this is quite a
> >>>> reasonable possibility. But, I would have no problem with an overload
> >>>> that didn't take a merger and returned a tuple of the result, and was
> >>>> still called `duplexing`.
> >>>>
> >>>> So I'm fine with dropping all the extra AndThisAndThat.
> >>>>
> >>>> Finally, there's one other obvious direction we might extend this --
> >>>> more than two collectors.  There's no reason why we can only do two; we
> >>>> could take a (likely homogeneous) varargs of Collectors, and return a
> >>>> List of results -- which itself could then be streamed into another
> >>>> collector.  This actually sounds pretty useful (though I'm not
> >>>> suggesting doing this right now.) And, I think it would be silly if this
> >>>> were not called the same thing as the two-collector version (just as it
> >>>> would be silly to have separate names for "concat two" and "concat n".)
> >>>>
> >>>> And, this is where I think "duplexing" runs out of gas -- duplex implies
> >>>> "two".  Pedantic argue-for-the-sake-of-argument folks might observe that
> >>>> "tee" also has bilateral symmetry, but I don't think you could
> >>>> reasonably argue that a four-way "tee" is not less of an arity abuse
> >>>> than a four-way "duplex", and the plumbing industry would agree:
> >>>>
> >>>> https://www.amazon.com/Way-Tee-PVC-Fitting-Furniture/dp/B017AO2WCM
> >>>>
> >>>> So, for these reasons, I still think "teeing" has a better balance of
> >>>> being both evocative what it does and likely to stand the test of time.
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On 9/14/2018 1:09 PM, Stuart Marks wrote:
> >>>>> First, naming. I think "duplex" as the root word wins! Using
> >>>>> "duplexing" to conform to many of other collectors is fine; so,
> >>>>> "duplexing" is good.
> >>

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