Hi David,

Many thanks, I integrated your updates into the new patch.

> I think STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM is an empirical value, NOT suitable for 'all' 
> platforms, at least not that safe, for example, a tricky experiment is: 
> create the initial thread with 320K, and have later VM inner threads created 
> with 448K, on my aarch64 system, StackOverflowError would be thrown. 
> Fortunately this probably would not occur in real cases, as -Xss60k, 
> -Xss320k, etc. can be stopped by these if-clauses.  I changed "all platforms" 
> to "most platforms".
> "only used for windows" might ambiguously mean "GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs 
> returns 0 for windows only" or "only windows supports 0". I updated it as 
> "for example, Windows"



-----Original Message-----
From: David Holmes <david.hol...@oracle.com> 
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2019 6:55 AM
To: Patrick Zhang OS <patr...@os.amperecomputing.com>; core-libs-dev 
Subject: Re: RFR: 8222334: java -Xss0 triggers StackOverflowError

Hi Patrick,

Please see:


for my suggested updates to the commentary. Note that GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs 
returns the build-time default stack sizes and so will only return 0 (for "use 
the system default") on Windows. It is not affected by -XX:ThreadStackSize=n as 
that only gets processed when the JVM is actually loaded.


On 12/04/2019 6:11 pm, David Holmes wrote:
> Hi Patrick,
> First apologies that it took me so long to get my head around this. :) 
> Let me summarise the problem as I see it.
> The launcher specifies no particular semantics for -Xss0, to it 0 is 
> just a very small size. However the VM maps -Xss to 
> -XX:ThreadStackSize and for it 0 means "use the platform default stack size".
> The launcher examines -Xss because it needs to use it to define the 
> stacksize for the initial thread created to launch the VM.
> The VM examines -Xss to see what stacksize to use for subsequently 
> created threads and it treats 0 as 'use the platform default' and it 
> otherwise checks the value against some hardcoded minimums and reports 
> an error if it is too small.
> The initial thread that loads the VM needs sufficient stack to be able 
> to process things to the point where it can determine that the 
> requested stacksize is too small and report the error. The value of 
> the minimum stack is hardcoded into the launcher, as 
> STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM (64KB). If the -Xss value is less than that then it gets 
> set to that.
> If no -Xss is specified then the launcher asks the VM for a reasonable 
> value to use for the stacksize of the initial thread (typically 1MB).
> The problem arises with -Xss0 because this causes the launcher to set 
> an initial thread stacksize of STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM, but the VM sees 
> this as "use the default" and so does not reject it and tries to 
> continue with VM initialization. That can't succeed as we only have a 
> tiny STACK_SIZE_MINIMUM stack and so we get StackOverflowError (or 
> fail an assert in debug builds).
> So the solution, as Patrick proposes, is to treat -Xss0 in the 
> launcher as-if -Xss has not been set and so use the VM suggested 
> default for the initial thread's stacksize.
> So I agree with the functional change here, but have some alternate 
> suggestions for additional commentary. Unfortunately I have to step 
> away at the moment (its Friday night) so will send that later - sorry.
> Thanks,
> David
> On 12/04/2019 5:51 pm, Patrick Zhang OS wrote:
>> Moved this to core-libs-dev for review, thanks.
>> Dropped and bcc'ed jdk-dev and jdk-updates-dev.
>> Regards
>> Patrick
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: David Holmes <david.hol...@oracle.com>
>> Sent: Friday, April 12, 2019 3:43 PM
>> To: Patrick Zhang OS <patr...@os.amperecomputing.com>; 
>> jdk-...@openjdk.java.net
>> Cc: jdk-updates-...@openjdk.java.net
>> Subject: Re: RFR: 8222334: java -Xss0 triggers StackOverflowError
>> Hi Patrick,
>> Please takes this to core-libs-dev for review.
>> Thanks,
>> David
>> On 12/04/2019 5:24 pm, Patrick Zhang OS wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Please review this patch.
>>> The problem is that the launcher does a check on the input -Xss and 
>>> ensure it >=64K for the initial thread, while vm has another 
>>> function to determine whether the input stack size is big enough to 
>>> future threads, such as cgc_thread, vm_thread, java_thead etc. 
>>> However if -Xss0, the initial thread is created with stack size 64K, 
>>> while others use hotspot/system default sizes, which would trigger 
>>> StackOverflowError. We could either fine tune the threshold 64K to 
>>> be a bigger one, or have the initial thread created with system 
>>> defaults that may be what the user expects. This patch chooses the 
>>> second solution, to avoid potential side-effect of the first.
>>> This can be reproduced with 10, 11, 12 too, so I cc'ed 
>>> jdk-updates-dev here.
>>> More details please refer to the ticket.
>>> JBS: https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8222334
>>> Webrev: http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~qpzhang/8222334/webrev.01/
>>> Thanks for David's comments in Jira.
>>> Regards
>>> Patrick

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