jpackage reviewers:

We hope to move JEP 343 to "Proposed to Target" next week, so we would like expedite the review process as much as possible.

The total change is huge, so I am including the below descriptions of some of the central and important classes included:


    Everything starts with either Main.main() (or which calls, but nothing other than processing @filename, --help, and --version, is done in Main.  The real work of jpackager is delegated to Arguments.processArguments().


    Arguments.processArguments() processes each arg, filling the DeployParams object with the produced BundleArguments.  The DeployParams are then used to create a BundleParams object. Arguments.generateBundle() is then called with a Map of the BundleParams to actually do the work.    Argument.generateBundle() then calls the execute() method of each required Bundler.

The Parameters:

    A BundlerParamInfo object exists for every parameter (be it a StandardBundlerParam, or one specific to a given Bundler).  These each contain the function for extracting the id, value type, value, and default value for the parameter, as well as various methods to convert to/from Strings.  Each is defined as a static final object (again in either StandardBundlerParam or one of the Bundlers) so it's name can be used to fetch its value and type. The initial list of parameters is passed to the Bundler as argument to the execute() method called by Argument.generateBundle().

The Bundlers:

    Each platform has a collection of Bundlers, one for an Application Image, and one for each available installer type, all of which ultimately implement the Bundler interface.  For example, on windows there is WinAppBundler, WinMsiBundler, and WinExeBundler.

Application Image Bundlers:

    The Application Image Bundlers  extend AbstractImageBundler which in turn extends AbstractBundler which implements the Bundler interface.  They  will gather  the application resources, create the cfg file, and may call JLinkBundlerHelper.execute() where jlink itself will be called via the ToolProvider interface to construct the java runtime to include in the application image. (If a pre defined runtime image is provided it will be copied in as is, instead of created in JLinkBundlerHelper).

Application Installer Bundlers:

    Each Platform dependent installer-type has an associated Bundler that Extends AbstractBundler (either directly or indirectly).  This Bundler will generally prepare some specific resource template using fetchResource() or preprocessTextResource (in AbstractBundler) .  This is where user can use --resourceDir option to override the template for a specific installer type with a templat of his own.  The processed templates become input to the program that generates the installer.  An exception of this is on MacOSX, when the Info.plist must be part of the application image, so the Info.plist.template is processed when generating the Application Image Bundle, rather than when processing the Application Installer Bundler.


    All localizable Strings are in jdk/jpackage/internal/resources, either in,, or the platform dependent <platform>  The "-ja" and "-zh_CN" are just copies of the english files at this time, and will be localized after this code is integrated into the JDK.

Please feel free to post any questions to me while reviewing this code.


On 4/24/2019 8:44 PM, Andy Herrick wrote:
Please review  changes for [1] which is the implementation bug for JEP-343.

The webrev at [2] is the total cumulative webrev of changes for the jpackage tool, currently in the JDK-8200758-branch branch of the open sandbox repository.

The webrev at [3] shows the changes from EA-05 to EA-06.

The latest EA-6 (build 49) is posted at [4].

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