Here are a few follow-on comments. As with my earlier comments, none of these need to be addressed prior to integration.

1. I found a few more classes that do I/O and could benefit from using try-with-resources:    IOUtils, LinuxAppImageBuilder, LinuxDebBundler, LinuxRpmBundler, MacAppImageBuilder, etc.

2. JRE_MODULES_FILENAME and SERVER_JRE_MODULES_FILENAME are unused (obsolete) and should be removed.

3. The isLessThan method only looks at MAJOR.MINOR so might not be flexible enough for some applications

3. Several places where non-public (package-scope) API is exported publicly; these should all be package-scope itself or else BundlerParamInfo should be public

3. createUtf8File is unused (I went looking because I was curious how and why we would use such a method). I see similarly-unused methods of the same name in the Mac and Windows AppImageBuilder classes.

4. Line 818: is the following still needed?

                        || p.toString().contains(
                                "/Contents/MacOS/JavaAppletPlugin") +

5. Is the check and warning for Windows Defender really needed? Have we seen problems as a result of it running while jpackage is building an app installer?

-- Kevin

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