I imported this patch , and after some merging problems, built jpackager.

a simple exe installer built with:

$JDK_HOME/bin/jpackage create-installer \
--installer-type exe \
--input ../input-jars \
--output output \
--name test-exe \
--vendor "Oracle Test" \
--description "Test exe installer" \
--win-menu \
--main-jar hello.jar \
--main-class hello \
worked fine. (I could run the installer and then launch test-exe from the windows menu.)

but a jre installer run with :

$JDK_HOME/bin/jpackage create-installer \
--installer-type exe \
--output output \
--name java-sandbox \
--runtime-image jdk13 \
--app-version 14.0 \
works fine too.

but using --license-text arg:

$JDK_HOME/bin/jpackage create-installer \
--installer-type exe \
--output output \
--name java-sandbox \
--runtime-image jdk13 \
--app-version 13.0 \
--license-file license.txt \

causes an error:

java.io.IOException: Exec failed with code 103 command [[C:\cygwin\home\aherrick\devtools\wix\light.exe, -nologo, -spdb, -sice:60, C:\cygwin\tmp\jdk.jpackage6069689087804197124\tmp\java-sandbox.wixobj, -ext, WixUtilExtension, -ext, WixUIExtension, -loc, C:\cygwin\tmp\jdk.jpackage6069689087804197124\config\MsiInstallerStrings_en.wxl, -out, C:\cygwin\tmp\jdk.jpackage6069689087804197124\images\win-exe.image\java-sandbox-13.0.msi] in C:\cygwin\home\aherrick\packager\windows\jdk13

This may be unrelated bug - I get the same error using --installer-type msi -- but should be filed and investigated.

otherwise I think this change is good to go.


On 6/14/2019 1:09 PM, Alexey Semenyuk wrote:
Please review the jpackage fix for bug [1] at [2].

This is a fix for the JDK-8200758-branch branch of the open sandbox
repository (jpackage).

- Get rid of dependency on Inno Setup for .exe installers on Windows platform.

[1] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-8221333

[2] http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~asemenyuk/8221333/webrev.00/


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